El Niño Prep:

Got a nice surprise yesterday from *Sunset Magazine* when they let us know they were posting more from an interview they did with Nate Downey when (in the April 2015 issue) they named him an Innovator of the Year!


11/28/2015 | (0) Comments

Let the People Lead

Seems like a bill that would allow the removal of 4 hydroelectric dams, improve reliability, and fund ecosystem restoration would be a no-brainer.  Congress?



11/27/2015 | (0) Comments

Roof-Reliant Landscaping™ Step 13G: Cost Estimating PHASE 3: Estimating Fences and Walls

Fences and Walls
A fence can be a cost-effective alternative to plants when privacy, wind and water consumption are issues. Free-standing walls can also provide privacy and wind protection, but walls are usually more expensive than fences. Keep in mind that a permeable windbreak, such as a fence with space between the slats, is better at reducing the negative effects of wind than an impervious windbreak, such as a solid wall.

Retaining walls can quickly increase the cost of the project. If money is an issue, good alternatives include on-contour swales and/or decorative boulders associated with appropriate grading. If a wall is designed to retain the earth surrounding a cistern, include the cost of having a licensed engineer approve the design.

11/26/2015 | (0) Comments

What Billions Depend On

This short piece from the Times gets to the heart of why action on climate change is so urgent.  We all need to do our part!


11/25/2015 | (0) Comments

Roof-Reliant Landscaping™ Step 13F: Cost Estimating PHASE 3: Estimating Your Hardscape

For the purposes of this manual, hardscape refers to any surface on which people walk. Typically, hardscapes also provide space for other activities such as dining and relaxing. Hardscapes enable people to enjoy being in the midst of the landscape.

Concrete and gravel provide cost-effective hardscape surfaces. Wooden decks, brick, pavers and widely spaced flagstones set in sand can fit within many mid-range budgets. Flagstone (especially that which is set in concrete with tight joints and broad, finely chiseled stones) is one of the most expensive hardscape surfaces commonly available in New Mexico.

11/24/2015 | (0) Comments

Confessions of a Reformed Pumice User

Looks like I missed posting this "Permaculture in Practice" in July when it came out. Now that the monsoon and baseball seasons are over, it's time to focus on next year:

11/13/2015 | (0) Comments

Roof-Reliant Landscaping™ Step 13E: Cost Estimating PHASE 3: Estimating Your Plant Material

In general, the larger the plant material, the greater the price tag. It is usually most cost effective to invest in larger sizes of slower-growing plants and smaller sizes of plants that will grow quickly, even with modest watering. To accurately predict the costs of plants, contact a local plant nursery or landscape professional. From a water budgeting perspective, also keep in mind that larger plants require more water to get established than smaller plants of the same species.


11/11/2015 | (0) Comments

Roof-Reliant Landscaping™ Step 13D: Cost Estimating PHASE 3: Estimating Your Errosion Control

The costs of controlling erosion and properly handling any drainage issues on your property are extremely variable. In most cases, all that is needed is a large French drain and a small swale located below a cistern’s overflow pipe. With a shovel and some extra rocks or gravel, this work can take less than an hour and cost virtually nothing. In extreme cases where, for example, a cistern must be sited near the unstable bank of an arroyo, it might cost thousands of dollars for proper erosion control. Be sure to manage water appropriately, as neighbors will not appreciate your overflow, and in most cases it is required by law.

11/09/2015 | (0) Comments

Property Boasts a Nurtured Vitality

My *Permaculture in Practice* column this month features Apache Creek Ranch, the site of the Permaculture Design Course that I took with Bill Mollison back in 1992. The ranch is for sale after decades of successful work by the same owners (who hosted and took the same course with Mollison).

11/09/2015 | (0) Comments

Roof-Reliant Landscaping™ Step 13C: Cost Estimating PHASE 3: Estimating Your Cistern System

Although it is helpful to be familiar with every feature of your cistern system during the costestimating process, this knowledge is not required to arrive at an accurate estimate. Obvious costs include the tank(s), delivery system, pump, pipe connections, excavation and backfilling. Less obvious cistern system expenditures include a pumphouse, a sediment trap, a vent, overflow piping (and associated erosion control structure[s]), a pressure tank, a level reader, at  least two 110-volt (minimum) electrical circuits, a float switch and the cost of removing (or using) excess dirt from the excavation process.

11/06/2015 | (0) Comments