As Nate read during my father's memorial service, there's a time to plant and a time to reap. In permaculture, these often come one right after the other. We think of fall as harvest time, and it certainly is, but it's also time to plant peas, garlic, and starts under insulation blankets, cold frames, and greenhouses.
As you can see, we've gotten our starts going, and below you'll see our peas, but it's time to get a decent patch of garlic planted.
For many years, we've had a dependable crop of Egyptian onions, which are extremely drought tolerant, but I'm always excited to grow something as healthy as garlic. Like all bulbs, garlic can often survive drought, but they usually flourish with a little extra moisture. Right now, it's time to check the peas which we have under an insulation blanket ...just in case it gets really cold. The blanket lets light in and keeps things warm at night. It's important not to cover up peas too much on hot days though. They like the snappy, coldertemps of fall and spring. So here's to you, Papa! This weekend we'll plant some garlic in you honor.
11/02/2012 | Edibles | (0) Comments