The Meaning of a Cyclone

That 70's margarine ad almost got it right, but "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature," really boils down to "It's not smart to try to take advantage of Mother Nature and then ignore her at your big party."  Is Cyclone Sandy trying to tell us this? In four presidential debates and one vice-presidential debate, the term "climate change" was brought up in only one: the third-party debate moderated by Larry King. 

I'm not saying people in swing states need to vote for third party candidates. When the stakes are so high, I'm sure Nature's God would rather see the candidate who is aware of climate change be elected rather than the one whose base is man-made climate-change deniers. In the mean time, we need to encourage more political discussion about this essential issue. One important benefit of roofwater harvesting that is often overlooked is that it reduces the energy needed to get water from point A to point B (by seriously truncating the line-segment AB). This shrinks one's carbon footprint and therefore lessens one's personal contribution to natural effects like Sandy.

10/30/2012 | Climate | Ecology | Energy Savings | Water Harvesting | (0) Comments

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