SLIDE 44: Trencher Time

The most important tool for building a porous-aggregate wick is a trencher. Here the trenches for the wicks are being dug with great efficiency, while the mainline trench for the greywater pipe cuts across this image from the orange cone to the bottom-left corner of the slide, and the storm-drain line cuts off the bottom-right corner of this slide. A keen eye will also pick up a trench (perpendicular to house), between evergreen tree at left and Carlos 9with trencher). This trench is part of the trench needed for the subsurface gopher-prevention fencing to protect the veggie garden from Eldorado’s voracious gophers). You can also vaguely see part of the trench for the wick that’s already been dug (cuts slightly off contour through middle of slide from right and down to left).

07/12/2017 | (0) Comments

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