On the Road to Telluride

It's always nice when we hear how quickly our clients sell their homes. A beautiful, comfortable, and productive landscape will inspire certain buyers not only with curb appeal but also with an evelope of well-nourished and good-natured landscape. These SFP clients were living up the hill from Upper Canyon Road when they decided to move up to Telluride. We were sad to see them go becuase they had become our friends too, but we were happy when they went under contract after only 40 some-odd days on the high-end market (which has been known for the last several years for its abundant "units" of inventory in the million-$-and-up category). Thankfully, this weekend, the Sembrats asked that PermaDesign come help them with their new place. Looking forward to checking out another awesome Sembrat home in one of America's greatest hamlets. Photo by Charles Mann.

11/07/2012 | (0) Comments

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