Garlic Tea

Here's the low down on growing big garlic. I'm not sure if size matters when it comes to garlic. Large or small, it's probably the most medicinal plant I know. Going into cold and flu season, always make sure you have at least a few cloves on hand. If anyone starts complaining of the first signs of a soar throat, congestion, unexplained achiness, or the gamut of cold-and-flu symptoms, we suggest a simple "garlic tea."

Garlic tea could not be easier to make. Get a cup of hot water and put sliced garlice in it. Drink the water, and eat the garlic straight if you dare (or if your symtoms are more severe). Once you have a cold or flu that has been around for even a few hours, you might be too late, so it's important to have that tea "AS-ASS" (As Soon As Symptoms Start).

11/03/2012 | Edibles | Events | (0) Comments

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