Diversify or Die

Here are some close-ups of some of the species that make it all possible. For where would we be without birds and the bees to whom these beauties bring life? Where would we be without the bugs (the vast majority of which are carnivorous--meaning they eat other bugs and therefore help our gardens)? Where would we be without the force that drives the green fuse? Destroyed. That's where.

This is one of many roses that we have in our garden. They're tough, elegant, striking, and surprisingly drought tolerant


The beady eyes in the middle of that little yellow face helped this strawberry flower make this flower-power cut. Or do I mean cult?


The California poppies seemed to clam up during the rain we had back on June 13 (All of these pictures and the others in my albums since Bloomsday were taken on the same day).


This 'paprika' variety of yarrow is pretty and interesting, but frankly it just doesn't hold its bloom long and powerfully enough to justify it over traditional golden/yellow yarrow.


On the other hand, this 'leather foot' variety of penstemon is as dependably black as any flower ever gets.


Don't let the name fool you. Missouri evening primrose grows wonderfully in New Mexico.


Hopefully, this Rocky Mounty penstemon will be the basis for the main character in a cartoon strip that I one day develop.


Here's Rocky Mount's best friend Rosie Garcia.


And her Grandma Amarilla, the lovely yellow columbine.


Had to put one of these back into the mix...just to keep us honest. (What, after all, is beauty?)


This close up of that Egyptian walking onion is pretty in the way that Bob Dylan is pretty.


Another rose. Just because.


Tune in next time when we get a better look at this lamb's ear in action. Like many of the blossoms above, it's a major bee attractor. And, as you know, what the world needs now is bees. Sweet bees.

07/12/2014 | (0) Comments

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