A Water Ceremony

I was honored to be asked to help lead this year's water ceremony at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Fe. In the process, I was able to rework a little prayer that I wrote for my book "Harvest the Rain." Below, you'll find what I came up with thanks to the inspiration of UUCSF minister Gail Marriner:

Stop… and breathe..........
and have a glass of water..............
Feel it soak into your being....There....
You have just reconfirmed your will to live
and have acted on behalf of the creator
of nature and consciousness. Water
is spirit. Respect, maybe worship,
water in its purest form,


Truth is rain,
love is hail, and
peace is fallen snow.
Lightning flashes happiness;
thunder echoes loud and forever.
Wisdom can be fog, desire lost to sky,
and dew is true, sweet sweat from the soil.
Stop, and breathe. Sip. Taste. Swallow. Feel.
Grow a bit, or just be, while your soul expands.
.....Wonder, breathe, relax, glow, and stretch.
.............Absorb this moment of your life,
............and savor it. Allow it to em-
................power you. Now,
...........smile. Now,

A Meditation on Water
Copyright, Nate Downey, Sept. 2013.


09/08/2013 | (0) Comments

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