An Alternative to Styrofoam!

This innovative company is experimenting with the roots of mushrooms to bind together farm waste that would normally be thrown out.  The result is an all-natural price competitive alternative to traditional packing materials.

12/22/2014 | (0) Comments

The new frontier is in dirt.

One of the most important resources we have is our soil.  The UN General Assembly declared 2015 the International Year of Soils.  The goals are to raise awareness, educate the public, support effective policies, promote investment, strengthen initiatives, and advocate for rapid capacity enhancement.

12/21/2014 | (0) Comments

Fracking 101

Clear, concise, and crucial.




12/19/2014 | (0) Comments

Nestlé’s Big Squeeze

Here's a nightmare you can't resist...looking forward to this documentary flick featuring the amazing Maude Barlow.

12/15/2014 | (0) Comments

Reorganizing Flood Control to Harvest in LA

Great to see Andy Lipkis featured in this NY Times piece about water harvesting!

12/12/2014 | (0) Comments

Xeriscape Conference Early Registration Friday

The Xeriscape Council of New Mexico will be hosting a Land and Water Summit February 19-20, 2015.  For those interested, follow the link below for the event registration.

12/10/2014 | (0) Comments

Bounce Back in 2015

The Resilient Investor by Hal Brill, Michael Kramer, and Christopher Peck will be coming out early next year, but you can pre-order your copy today. Here's my review of the eye-widening book in the December 7th 'Santa Fe New Mexican.'

12/10/2014 | (0) Comments

100th Issue of Green Investing!

Here's a momentous journal about socially responsible investing. Amy Domini, Gary Hirshberg, and Phillippe Cousteau (among others) are featured in this, the 100th issue of "Green Money Journal." In other GMJ news, I'm looking forward to writing a piece that publisher Cliff Feigenbaum requested for the upcoming Water issue (March 2015).

12/05/2014 | (0) Comments

Our Public Lands…

Great article, Bryan Bird! Thank for protecting what permaculture calls zone 5, the outermost zone where, "We have neither need nor right to interfere or dominate." (Mollison)

12/04/2014 | (0) Comments

Focus on Water for a Secure Future

Here's another in a series on the economics of water column in today's "New Mexican."

12/03/2014 | (0) Comments